LMP RECORDING SUBMISSION FORM **************************************************************** ================================================================ * OFFICIAL CO-OP CHALLENGE * Go For Time - Or Perfection! ================================================================ * Brought to you by STONEHENGE BBS & H2H BBS / BATTLESTATION 1 ================================================================ I. LMP FILE INFORMATION Lmp File Name : (12M10SDS.LMP please use time format w/initials) Finish Time : (12 minutes 10 seconds) II. GAME INFORMATION Wad File Name : (H2HMUD01.ZIP) Game/Level : (Map01) Difficulty : (Hurt Me Plenty) Style : (Single/Co-Op) III. PLAYER INFORMATION Team Name : (Sponsor - BBS or Club) Player 1 : (Name/Color/Deaths) Player 2 : (") Player 3 : (") Player 4 : (") IV. OTHER INFORMATION Player # : (1) (2) (3) (4) System Used : (Modem/Network) CPU Specs : (486DX66 Intel) Installed RAM : (8MB) HD Seek Time : (11.17MS) V. YOUR COMMENTS (Pleeze) - We appreciate your thoughts on our project - Team strategies / epithets uttered / epitaphs issued - Suggestions and critiques are welcome! - If you think this wad was too easy, you are not human <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> VI. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS: FASTEST = Least time from start of play to the end level switch. FREESTYLE = Go For It! Frags are not counted against you. NO FRAGS = Come through without a casualty and you're CYBER-DUDES! VII. How To Record And Play A Demo A. You must include wad name in arguments to either play or record. NOTE: LMP's can only play back on the wad they were created on. 1. Example Commands To Enter In Doom/Doom2 Directory: a. DOOM2 -FILE H2HMUD01.WAD -RECORD MYDEMO b. DOOM2 -FILE H2HMUD01.WAD -PLAYDEMO MYDEMO B. Add extra recording time to demo by adding the following arguments: 1. -DEVPARM -MAXDEMO 1000 (extends file size up to 1000KB) C. No file name extension is used on either recording and playback ** Please use file name standards listed above when submitting!! VIII. Please foward all lmps to STONEHENGE BBS (619) 929-6596 144V.32bis or H2H On Line BBS - Battlestation 1.....(619) 426-0073 288V.34bis IX. Survivors will be honored publicly amidst their fellow marines. This is just one of a series of H2HMUD WADS. Expect more phenomenal challenges soon! Brought to you by STONEHENGE BBS & BattleStation 1 - H2H ON-LINE *********************************************************************** **** THIS IS WHERE TO GET THE H2H/STONEHENGE CO-OP CHALLENGE WADS **** *********************************************************************** H2H DOOM BBS (619) 426-0073 Home of BATTLESTATION 1 - Multiplayer Gaming ** The Best Place On Earth To Die ** ARE YOU WORTHY? ** 8 lines 28.8 USR ** Co-Op - Deathmatch - Files ** STONEHENGE BBS (619) 929-6596 - Home Of The MUD Levels! DOOM - DOOM II - HERETIC - ROTT DESCENT - QUAKE - DARK FORCES 24 Hours - 14400 DOOMania bbs (317)662-8842, (317)662-1447, 48, 49 Home to the DOOMnet conference group. 4 Nodes 24 hours a day! MetroDOOM bbs (404)590-9375 Another large DOOM & DOOM II BBS Game Palace BBS (305) 587-4258 BEST ALL DOOM BBS : DOOM HQ! Go No Further! This BBS Has THE BEST & MOST WADS, HACKS, EDITORS, SOUNDS and LOTS LOTS more! Download DOOMLIST.ZIP for complete up to date listing. MORE SOURCES : America Online : Compuserve : Various Internet FTP Sites ********************************************************************* We Wish You Luck, Mark Gundy H2H BBS - BattleStation 1 (619) 426-0073 mag8@aol.com Dave Swift Stonehenge BBS SoCal (619) 929-6596 swift1@powergrid.electriciti.com